Thursday, February 26, 2015

Seattle Freeze meets Thai Heat

Yesterday I finally landed in Bangkok after sitting on a 15hr flight that proceeded to cramp up all the muscles in my legs and butt. Of course the very first thing I noticed when I walked out of the airport was the heat, and not just the kind of direct heat from the sun, but a surrounding humidity that instantly caused my hair to frizz. In the words of Nils it feels like the "goddamn rainforest at the zoo". I managed to get to my hostel,, and get my self in order. The city is huge and constantly moving, trains, cars, motorbikes, stalls, businesses, and people fill the streets. Buildings tower over everything, except that the buildings here seem to all be uniquely made, each with it's own character, where as in Seattle most of them seem to blend in with eachother. I joined Nils and some guys from the hostel to some kind of art installation, Diego from Italy, Eugene from Australia, and a French boy who has a very thick accent. The installation was in this huge mall that reminded me a lot of Japan, perfectly neat and clean. The whole top floor was filled with food that all looked too perfectly made that I didn't want to eat any of it. After we strolled through a park that was absolutely gorgeous, I am really enjoying the trees here. Later Nick met us at our hostel and is staying here, today we are going to go explore some temples and Chinatown, I haven't had much of an appetite but hopefully that will change today.

Overall arriving here has been overwhelming to say the least. Not only with the change of environment but with the realization of how long five months really is. And yes I know, the whole "five months out of your entire life is very little" thing, but for have never been away from home and my parents this long it's already been very hard. I hope that with more exploring and getting more comfortable with myself out here I will be able to accept the home sickness and move on. I also am trying very hard to stay away from all my electronics, having it been such a daily part of my life before I still find myself opening this simple little phone I have to check instagram or twitter and then realize, that I don't have it. But it's been nice not being wrapped up in those little things. Hopefully blogging doesn't become my new internet crack and I can manage to be away from it for a few days

Yesterday was hard but today will be better, and I hope things continue that way.


  1. So glad you made it safely Bailey enjoy reading your daily Chronicles keep it up sweetheart and have a great time love grandma and grandpa Brown

  2. So hot! Enjoy it. Remember 7-11s have cold, moist, disposable lemongrass scented towels you can buy in the cold case sections. So refreshing when you've been hiking around BKK all day. Go eat! xxo

  3. I'm not surprised to hear you've already made friend from the hostel, how cool! We miss you too! Love you! Love mom
